Have you seen a pickleball shot that made you wonder if the game is really allowed? You wonder if the players can actually pull it off while you watch in shock. After you get past your initial doubts, you find that they succeed and achieve their potential!
Don’t stress out anymore. Erne, everyone has the same problem. When the first time they play well-done pickleball. At some point, the shock turns into acceptance, and then thoughts of revenge come up.
You will learn how to do a great Erne and when to use it. In this article, We will discuss why it can be a powerful move in your pickleball arsenal and advise you on how to fight against it so you don’t get caught off guard again.
What is an Erne in Pickleball?
You may be wondering what’s an Erne in pickleball, and if it’s really used in every game play. Erne is not something you will see in any other play. This type of shot is only okayed in highly competitive plays. It was invented by a videographer named Jeff Shank. He noticed a professional pickleball player named Erne Perry constantly using it in the game.
If you know the basics of pickleball, you would probably know that you can’t volley a shot from the kitchen. That is exactly why it’s called the Non-Volley Zone. This rule prevents players from gliding at the net and then hammering the ball when it comes at them.
But there’s no rule that prevents the players from hitting the ball on the volley if you are outside the sideline, right up near the net. And that’s exactly what an Erne pickleball is. Erne pickleball, in simple word, is the shot played by a pickleball player who is not in the part of the kitchen. In fact, this player is right next to it, outside the left or right sideline.
So what does this tactic do? It allows the player to be near the net and able to hit a powerful volley. It is nearly impossible to defend against when executed correctly. Defending players or opponents will have little time to react to this shot.
How to Hit an Erne?
An “Erne” move is not easy. You must be very careful and choose the right time during a game. It’s a risky move because it’s easy to make a mistake and lose the match.
To do an Erne pickleball, you trick your opponent into hitting the perfect shot. Might be possible to make them hit the ball towards the side. Then, quickly jump over the kitchen corner and attack the ball close to the net. This usually surprises them, and they can’t defend well.
Getting ready for an Erne pickleball needs patience and planning. Picking the right time to attack is super important. Move when your opponent hits their shot so they don’t know what you’re doing. Be fast and return to your position if their shot differs from what you expected. Good players are always watching for Erne’s chances. Fooling your opponent into feeling safe is a big part of the game. When you see your chance, move fast and make sure you land outside the kitchen and sideline. If you step on the line, it’s a mistake, and you will lose a point.
Three Ways to Execute the Erne
Leap Over the Corner of the Kitchen: Ensure both feet land outside the kitchen to avoid faults.Run Through the Kitchen and Stand in the Out-of-Bounds Area: Both feet must touch the ground outside the kitchen before hitting the Erne pickleball.This is a rule to run around the Kitchen corner and stand in the Out-of-Bounds Area, similar to option 2. To avoid faults, ensure both feet touch the ground outside the kitchen.
Is Erne Pickleball Legal?
Absolutely YES, the Erne move in pickleball is totally legal! It might seem sneaky, but it plays by the rules. Here’s the deal: in pickleball, you can’t volley (hit the ball out of the air) from inside the kitchen. But guess what? There’s no rule saying you can’t do it if you are standing right next to the kitchen, outside the sideline.
That’s the magic of the Erne – legal and a bit surprising. So, you can jump over that kitchen corner, scoot through it, or even run around it, as long as both your feet touch the ground outside the kitchen. No kitchen contact is allowed during the hit, and you’re good to go.
Pickleball Erne Rules
By now, you may know every shot in pickleball has its own set of rules and techniques, and so does Erne pickleball. Here are a few basic rules for pickleball Erne shot you have to abide by to ace the game:
Outside the Kitchen:
Perform the Erne from outside the kitchen, near the net, and outside the left or right sideline.
No Net Contact:
You must make sure any part of your body, paddle, or clothing not touches the net during the Erne shot.
Legal Landing:
At the outside Land of the kitchen and sideline after executing the Erne, stepping on the line results in a fault.
Fault-Free Feet:
If you leap over the kitchen corner, both feet must touch the ground outside the kitchen. As same, when running through or around the kitchen, both feet should land outside before hitting the Erne.
Post-Hit Net Crossing:
You avoid crossing any part of your body, paddle, or clothing over the net plane until after hitting the ball to avoid a fault.
Strategic Timing:
This Erne you can be use at the right time. For best results, you should do it as your opponent takes their shot.
Why the Erne Shot is Good for Pickleball?
Now you may be wondering, apart from being confused about it being legal or not, what exactly is the benefit of using such a shot in pickleball? Well, here are a few benefits of Erne shot in pickleball:
Now you must be wondering why you would want to use this shot in pickleball. So, here are some good things about Erne’s shot in pickleball:
Surprise Attack: The Erne is your secret move, which works like magic in a game. Its suddenness will catch your enemies off guard.
Highly Effective: This is a strong shot that is hard for an opponent’s player to block when it is done right.
Strategic Advantage: It gives you an edge by taking advantage of a hole in the tennis rules.
Versatility: You can do it three different ways, depending on how the game is played: jump, run through, or run around the kitchen corner.
Lulling your opponents: This strategy adds a psychological factor by making them guess what your next move will be.
Legal Play: Even though the Erne is sneaky, it plays by the rules of pickleball, which makes it a fair and fun part of the game.
Bottom Line
The Erne changes the way pickleball is played, and it takes some time and work to get used to it. You need to be patient and practise advanced methods, but once you get the Erne right, your game will really improve. People who play against you will be less likely to block an Erne shot once they know you can. Their plan might have to change because they won’t know when the next Erne will happen to fight your unpredictable moves.
What is an erne in pickleball?
An erne in pickleball is basically a shot where a player jumps over the non-volley zone to hit the ball before it bounces, typically executed near the sidelines.
Can you touch the net with your paddle in pickleball?
No, touching the net with your paddle in pickleball is not allowed, it results in a fault.
Is an Erne a legal shot to play in pickleball?
Yes, an Erne is a legal shot in pickleball as long as it sticks to the game’s rules. These rules include allowing players to jump over the non-volley zone to make the shot.
How can I improve my footwork for Erne moves?
To make your footwork better for Erne moves in pickleball, practice agility drills, work on lateral movements, and focus on quick changes of direction to improve your ability to execute this dynamic shot.